Vitor JK Photography

© VitorJK Photography
Photograph: VitorJK Photography
Born: Pombal, Portugal
Job: Automotive Industry
Hobbie: Photography
Website: FLICKR :: FACEBOOK :: 500PX

"It's time you stopped taking snapshots, and started taking photographs!" by VitorJK

"You've already discovered that pointing your camera and pushing the button isn't photography, and isn't particularly satisfying. Whether you're trying to capture an image that will hang in a gallery, grabbing a shot for publication, or attempting to create a digital treasure chest of vacation memories, you'll enjoy your digital camera a lot more if you put some thought into what you're doing."

"The difference between casual snapshooting and serious photography is often nothing more than an awareness of the process gained through practice and experience."

Click on the image to visit VitorJK GALERY on FLICKR

Click on the image to visit VitorJK GALERY on FLICKR